If only I could measure my Faith, probably things might be different now. But, if it could truly be measured, I'm sure I'll be doing it not for the sake of HIM.
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Kota Damansara Mosque near my house. rindu :') |
In my prayers, I recite words. Words from the BOOK(Al-Quran) which I do not know the meaning of it. I believe that when you don't know what you are doing, don't understand what you are saying, the feeling, the tranquility is lacking. It's not strong enough.
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Can't remember when and where but somewhere in Malaysia |
So recently I decided to google the translation of Surah Al Fatiha (Power of technology these days). After reading it. Honestly, every time when Surah Al-Fatiha comes out from my mouth,
I feel so much closer to HIM.
I feel that I'm speaking to HIM directly.
I feel my voice is being heard by HIM.
When anyone of you is engaged in prayer, he is holding an intimate conversation with his Lord.
Surah Al-Fatiha (The Opening)
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds,
The Beneficent, the Merciful,
Owner of the Day of Judgement,
Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we ask for help,
Guide us on the straight path,
The path of those whom Thou hast favored,
Not (the path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray.
(1 : 1 - 7)
aminnn...ya rabbul alamin.....like like like like~semoga mnjadi pedoman untuk kite semua.....heeee heeee.....
ibu segala doa-->alfatihah ;)
:)) alfatihah..
i totally agreed what u said and mentioned in ur post!
Yeah...agree with u!
n..if we understand the meaning..we can get more khusyuk in our solat!=)~
understand n memorize the meaning of the ayat2 al-quran..kita akan rse dkt dgnNYA
Aneez: heehehe I hope so :) work our ways closer to HIM
Lynn: true that :)
Lipoo: amin :)
Farra: thank you :)
Fadli: Exactly. Kusyuk is really2 important in performing solat :)
Liyana: betul tu. Slowly starting bit by bit. InsyaAllah will learn more :)
setuju.. sebelum ni saya membacanya tanpa memahami maksudnya dalam b. melayu..
namun bila kita memahami erti surah ini..
setiap kali melafazkan, ianya sungguh bererti.. dan bermakna sekali..
Ikram: well said bro. well said :D
i loooovvvve this post. you should put up the 'like' button so people can share this with others on their facebook =) it's a good post
that's right Aiman,,Allah is very close to us..but we,as a human always forget Him..Al Fatihah bkn untuk dibaca dlm solat sahaja tp sms kita santai,bkerja n dlm ape2 keadaan pun..insyAllah,kite makin dekat dgn Maha Penyayang^_^
Kak Nurul: thank you for your kind words :)
I don't think I'm ready to have those kinda facebook "like" thing haha :)
Cik Teddy: terima kasih :) I couldnt agree more with you :) thank you for dropping a comment here :)
kalau ada kelapangan, bacalah juga surah al-mulk, al-fath, al-kahfi..
antara himpunan doa yg terbaik diamalkan, al-ma'thurat :)
Suter Kasih: ahhhhh thanx for the tip! InsyaAllah I will :D
Best kan?
Ada beza kan bila kita makin faham dan mengerti setiap apa yang kita baca dalam solat,,dan ade bezakan bila kita solat dgn sebenar2 solat compared to solat sekadar solat,,
thanx Maman(ops, tsasul!), really luv dis!
so bila ada masalah, ulang sentiasa, iyya ka nast0'in [Thee (alone) we ask for help,] baca sampai benar2 meresap dalam hati,biar sampai berlinang,,
thanx skali lagi! sy sgt lah suka aiman dgn post ini!
Mutiara: best. lebih bermakna :)
Kan. I heard before from an Islamic talk saying that dengan mengucap sahaja kalau betul2 faham isi terkandung, air mata akan mengalir. :)
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