
Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Setiap insan mempunyai hak masing-masing. Tidak dikecualikan hak untuk memulakan satu kehidupan yang baru. 

Rasanya sudah tiba masanya aku untuk mengambil satu langkah besar kehadapan. Walaupun hati ini masih berat dan masih teringat pada kenang-kenangan dulu, tetapi aku mengambil itu sebagai bukti. Bukit menunjukkan bahawa cinta dulu itu begitu manis dan jujur amatnya. Until hatred losses its fight against it. Sekurang-kurangnya bagi aku itulah yang di rasa. 

Suka atau tidak, hidup kita harus berjalan tanpa henti. Mencari erti apa itu kehidupan. Mungkin suatu hari nanti kita akan bertemu lagi. Mungkin tidak. Hanya DIA sahaja tahu.


Faisal Admar said...

i don't know... but from what i read, i think you haven't opened a new door for someone new.

when it's not open, you are stuck alone in the old room with the old door. but the thing is, there no furniture left in there.

be realistic.

your ex lover is not your anymore.

that is a fact.

open a new door... because love is in the air.

p/s: life is too short. do not make it shorter.

Aiman Ariffin said...

Faisal: oh no no, I'm not talking about being ready to be in a relationship. I'm saying that I'm done with the phase of wallowing. It's time for me to go out there and see what the world has to offer. Thats all. Dont worry. Im not insane enough to be in a rship when i cant handle my own emotions :) thanx tho

reez said...

i just broke up yesterday n it hurts like pukimak aiman.......
dunno when i'll b over it.....for the time being can i just sink in my emotions and be depressed for awhile
is dat wat u did

Aiman Ariffin said...

Reez: hey reez. Im so sorry to hear abt it buddy. Yes my friend. Its okay to cry, depress and sad. Its all apart of the whole process. Let it out ok? Be strong buddy, it'll be a tough road ahead

reez said...

herm...thanx aiman.sedih weyh....haish....damn shitty

Selisip said...

aiman :(

Aiman Ariffin said...

Ruby: kenapa? u ok?

Betty Latif @ BL said...

finally i managed to follow you blog =))