Recently, I was surprised by, can be said from a well-known blogger Namee when she posted her blogpost on my request topic regarding number of followers, you-follow-me I-follow-you concept, and anything related to that.
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She's pretty, smart and with a good heart. Reasons why guys would die to have her! |
Click here if you wanna read it.
I was intrigue by how I felt from the respond that I received from Namee. Here is something that I learn from it and I want to share with whoever reading my blog now ,
Kita semua mempunyai keinginan untuk suara kita didengar, layak diambil perhatian.
Tidak ada seorang antara kita suka akan perasaan diabaikan atau dipandang remeh.
Walaupun kita manusia yang mempunyai banyak persamaan antara satu sama lain, tetapi kita masih mahu dikenali sebagai individu yang berbeza dan unik. Acknowledged as both unique and significant. Mereka kata, cara kau melayan seseorang itu hari ini, mungkin perlakuan baik itu akan datang kembali kepada kau suatu hari nanti. Beginilah cara kita membina, atau memusnahkan masyarakat kita.
So be a better person in life. Be the bigger person in life. You can start now. Sekarang. Menjadi seorang blogger who spreads good deeds through appreciation, understanding, acceptance and respect.
Appreciated. Understood. Accepted. Noticed.
p/s: Namee, you thought me a priceless piece of learning or teaching which plays a huge part of life that I can only gain through experience. I thank you so much :) I hope you will continue inspire other bloggers to be more like yourself.
Btw. I know most people must think I'mafreakkingemotionallyunstable dude who doesnt know how to have fun. So the other day my friends and I went out karoeke and we sang our hearts out. Suara pun dah takde ni. I shall let the pictures and a vid do the talking! wowza!
yeahh really agree with u dude ! :)
nurun: thank you! :D
agree :)
Aqilah: :) kan
Who says Aiman doesnt know how to have fun?
Teringat dulu Aiman cerita pasal karaoke dlm kereta. That was funny XD
saya sentiasa berharap begitu.. tp selalunya suara saya tetap tak didengari..
agree !!
Syaza: AHHAHA! kan! ingatlagi eh u! hw r u syaza? lama tak dgr citer
Ikram: insyaAllah one day ur voice will be heard. You just need to learn how to do it :)
Syakirah: hehe bagus2 :D
Sometimes people acted weird when they want to seek for attention. Weird, and humor at the same time.
Apa pun, kalau kita tak pernah hargai orang lain, jangan marah kalau orang tak akan hargai kita. Tulis dari hati. Yeah.
Ada pembaca blog saya tanya - kenapa saya boleh tulis seperti apa yang mereka baca sekarang ini (padahal saya bukanlah profesional)
Jawapannya mudah : Tulisan saya lebih banyak kepada diri sendiri, kepada manusia sekeliling saya. Jiwa saya :) Dan saya sentiasa ingatkan diri bahawa saya bertuah kerana jiwa beku saya ada yang berikan sedikit masa untuk dibaca~ :)
Apa pun, selamat berjaya Aiman.
P/S : Terharu nampak ada orang dari Brisbane datang :')
Lord Zara: people would do ANYTHING to grab the attention. Thats why some would do crazy things -.-" haih.
Ahh alhamdulillah. its good to know that you do realize the gift you are given by HIM and yet you are being humble with it :)
I really like your writing. Hopefully one day I'll be able to read one of your work of art :) InsyaAllah. All the best to you too!
senyum |ebar di sini,,
attentti0n,,semua 0rg nak tu,,
sbb tu, sy sgt yakin, hanya kasih syg yang mampu merawat dunia,,cinta,,
Aiman...even internet stuck macam apa je ni..saya loading juga ur utube video. NICE VOICE aiman!!hahah, tahu main music tak? u shud try lah menyanyi n shout ur feelings through the rhythm. :D serious!
about this entry..thank u for featuring meeeee :)
hi aiman! i found your other blog here! i guess i fell in the category where i follow you because i like reading about you and what you have to say. as how i love aimie bahirah from the knot and the things she writes too.
kak nurul pun sebenarnya started blogging last time for the sake of my husband so he can read while he's at sea in the middle of nowhere. that's why you see i write mostly about myself and i certainly didn't expect to have followers, not even one. i thought he'd be the only one reading. and look at what blogging brought me. i get to know you and many others! so i guess i also fell under the category of finding new friends through blogging (although i don't do it with just everybody)hahaha.
my point is, people follow others for many different reasons but to ask others to follow back just for the sake of hitting thousands or even millions of followers is just, well, lame don't you think? i get that sometimes in my shoutbox you know, people asking me to follow them and such. i do follow some that i think are interesting but most of the time i don't (esp if i find them not worthy) =) hoih, pjg pulak dah jd blog post ni hahahah
Mutiara: hehehe. Suka je baca komen drp Mutiara. I love your input! hehe. And the best thing is. those who comments on my post are those people that I get my inspiration! :)
Namee: HAHA NAMEE! omgosh. You are the only one comment abt my youtube -.-" nampak sgt lame haha. I taktau main instrument but gonna learn to play guitar too! hehe.
I wanted to tell you earlier that I appreciate your blogpost but then taktau camne nak contact haha sebab u pun takde shoutbox kan
Kak Nurul: wahhhhh I feel so honored and terharu la when you say things like that! I appreciate it much! Kan, expect the unexpected and when you read someone's blog and somehow you feel that they are beautiful in and out. why not being friends kan? :)
AH! its okay! your thoughts are always welcome here in my blog and I 100% agree with everything that you said. Thank you so much for sharing your thought :)
ok. nak pergi jengok Namee yg baik hati.. :-)
blog-tips-kurus: haha pegi2! cepat haha
eit,,kamu nyanyi lagu fevret sy..
*suara kamu besh!
Mutiara: oh yeke?! alaa suara hampehla :( haih. takpela. its for fun je pun hehe
i like ur statement so much. it so beneficial and good for us!
namee cun ah..
wow..berani ye! hehe..
hv a nice day! peace xoxo :-p
Farra: aww thanx hun :) it is!
Hamzah: cun melecun bro :)
Julien: berani? apakah?
bleh thn suare kamu..
nice video..
hmm..btul...sometimes org bleh judges kita dgn cara pnulisan kita..
dlm setiap comment tu ade input yg tersendiri..yg boleh buat kita terfikir ap yg btul..ap yg salah..
btw thanks 4 ur comment..
buat sy berfikir sejenak..
got input from ur comment
Liyana: HAHA! thanx :) kan, setiap input seseorang itu boleh mengubah cara kita berfikir.
lil datang dari 'special thanx' namee. bila lil da add namee. otomatik senarai nama dlm list 'special thanx tu' lil akan add blog dia.
klu sudi
datanglah blog lil oke?
nice to meet u :)
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