
Sunday, July 10, 2011


After reading Aimie's post on "Moving Along" I think I've been reminded.

Never wish to be a perfect man. Simple man with true love can give the feeling of beyond the word perfection.

I bought a new cap :)
I shall remind myself of my principles.

To love without a condition
Talk without intention
Listen without judging
Give without reason
To care without expectation.


Yunne Osman said...

'give without reason and to care without expectation' i love these the most. well said aiman. if only the world has more of you, then we will all be at peace inshaAllah.

Niena Muhammad said...

umo berapa taun nie ?

Aiman Ariffin said...

Kak Nurul: If only the world filled with kind hearted people like yourself there will be no more fighting and suffering and pain Kak Nurul.

You are too kind :)

Aiman Ariffin said...

Niena: ehh?? kenapa??