A sad thing is when you meet someone who means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be & all you can do is to let go. Perasaan sakit itu akan sentiasa bersama kau ke mana sahaja kau pergi. No matter how hard you try to forget it still give a sting to your heart whenever it can. Jangan kau biarkan diri kau rebah rapuh melutut.
Appreciate life even if it gives you the greatest heartache because after the greatest fall, a new you will be formed. Stronger than before. Ada masa di dalam hidup seseorang itu, tidak kira apa kesan akibatnya, kau perlu bangkit dan terus berjalan mencari erti kehidupan ini.
The search of happiness is the main reason of unhappiness. It is a never ending journey with unexpected obstacles to go through. The only short-cut is to accept life the way it comes. InsyaAllah with faith, you'll find happiness in every moment you life.
cuba bersyukur dengan segalanya...kerana itu yang sepatutnya... :)
a never-ending journey to find happiness (=
dengan menerima ujian itu lah membuatkan kita lebih kuat, insyaAllah, things happen fer reason kan
andai kamu melepaskan, kamu bukan saja gagah. kamu juga mampu menghadapi realiti yg berduri...
sentiasa bersyukur...
n never give up!=)~
bersyukur dgn apa saja yg mendatang.. kerana semuany amengandungi hikmah.. sya percaya yg itu..
aiman...i suka gila ur wrtitings. sangat macam poem. :) then pic yang aiman selitkan sangat blend dengan all the words. ;')
somehow, namee selalu tak bersyukur dengan apa yang ada. sebab tu saya selalu unhappy. sebab senantiasa rasa tak achieve apa2 and useless. so any motivation untuk buat diri kita happy dengan apa yg kita ada? :)
ouch, sangat terkesan dgn wording merah tu,,sob2
betullah aiman, mutaiara selalu rasa mcm tu,,rasa sakit n sedih sgt2 sampai kadang lupa nikmat lain yang ada dlm gemgaman,,hu,
thanx, dis entri sgt2 help me in reflecting myself,,
org bahagia adelah org yg dpt buat org lain bahagia..
Diriku: wahhhh sedap betul. so true! :) well said
Bob Merley: sometimes its not the journey that matters, sometimes u need to realize that u already attain happiness without knowing
Syakirah: yeah setiap kejadian ada hikmahnya. the best thing is to learn from it and try not to repeat the mistake
James: well said. I like how u put it in words :)
Fadli: when you fall, carry urself up again. dont give up. never give up
ikram: betul tu bro. Selalu pegang dengan prinsip tu. insyaAllah hidup akan selalu disinari terang dengan cahaya olehNYA
Namee: awww thanx Namee. you are too kind :)
aha hehe good question. I will talk about it soon k? :) thanx!
Mutiara: awwww u r too kind mutiara. Sometimes when we only surround ourselves with sorrow we tend to be blinded with have we have. And thats why we need each other to remind ourselves how fortunate we are in life :)
Liyana: kalau dia orang buat sesuatu dengan seikhlas hati. and it doesnt happen that easily haih
im so stupid. typo..WRITINGS jadi wrtitings. ..noob gila. hahah. im sorry aiman.. u pun layan je kan my error.
Namee: haha you nie comellaH! i tak perasan pun small errors camtu. Takpela. dont need to be sorry. like i said. u are too kind :)
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