As you have seen pictures of my house from my previous post, at least a glimpse of itlah. I think it is safe for me to say that my mom keep em pretty clean and neat. Heard of OCD before? well to those who have not, OCD stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Wanna know more about it? Click here. Kalau nak dalam bahasa click sini. I think their explanation suffice kot, to me it is lah.
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See how she arrange the pillows! and the carpet pun kena sikat lol! |
Anyways, my mom, she has OCD and a severe one. I mean, she can't see messy rooms. She can't see untidy bed. She can't see wet floor in the toilet. Sometimes I feel that my house is like a showroom instead of home. You know, home is like your zen, your niche, a place where you can do whatever you wanna do comfortably. Yet every time when I happen to mess the house she'll be nagging and cleans it up right away. Even a small dot can't hide away from her. At some times I halau her from my room lol. As frustrating as this sound, somehow I think I prefer having a clean house rather than a dirty and dusty one.
What about me?
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Tengok warna pengepit pun semua sama bila guna |
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Warna hanger pun kena sama semua |
Since my maid belum balik beraya di Indonesia, I had to do all the house laundry and to my surprise. HOHO. I noticed that I used the same shape and color of hangers and pegs. In my room pun sama -.-" kalau bentuk dan warna berbeza, hati macam tak tenang je. So one thing I can conclude here, OCD runs in the blood as well.
haha ;DD kiranya you pun dapat sikit OCD dari ur mom kan.
OCD? Pernah tengok cerita 'Monk' tak? american tv series. main character dia mmg gila2 ocd. heheehe
my friend pun mcm ni gak. dia tak suka orang sentuh baju dia yang dah basuh. itu pantang bg dia.
OMG aiman! the sikat hujung carpet thing, i used to do that too! you know how i overcome this part of my OCD? i NO longer use the fringe type. i even forbid my mom to buy them. now my carpets are of those without the fringe. so selesai masalah kat situ.
i used to have a problem closing a water tab. i tend to count the twists. it must end in an even number of rotations. i solved that problem too. now, most of the tabs in my house are of the one-push lever type. so tak payah nak pusing lagi dah hehehe.
the hanger part, kita serupa. kak nurul pun MESTI kena color yang sama jugak and the clothes SHOULD be arranged facing the same side, tak boleh ada yang facing the other way. i guess there's a little bit of adrian monk in most of us. and yes, that's what my sister and husband call me. monk!
Nami: haha I would to think so lol
Bob: haha memang macam monk tapi dia tu tahap gaban nye OCD oh
Ruby: wah dat bad eh? mine not that severela
Kak Nurul: omgosh I see resemblance between you, me and my mom haha. ada this one time, mom potong that part of the carpet -.-"
I read somewhere it says there is no certain treatment to this kinda disease unless if u take those pills to calm yourself down. Lol
this is mean ur mom is caring about anything around u and ur family..baguslah..bro untung kerna dpt mommy yg persis itu..hopefully can meet u and family one fine day..:))
Farra: kan. I should be grateful actually haha. INsyaAllah one day kalau ada rezeki ya. and im sorry i cudnt make it the other day
Well for me I think I have OCD in the way I arrange files in my laptop folders. Things such as MP3 must be neatly named, no small/big font mixed together, and they must be right in their correct section. As for assignments, I will check the spelling, grammars, formatting and whatnot for zillion times. I don't mind at all spending hours doing all of these. And oh, I will always wipe my laptop and handphone screens. I hate to see them dusty and dirty with fingerprints all over them. Hahaha!
Wahida: okay. I do those as well. Seriously. Time buat assignment points takde takpe, asalkan its neat and presentable ahha!
HAHAHAHAHAH You are so funny!
Fafa: fa!! haha glad u find this funny!! I miss u!
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