Bila bicara tentang cinta, aku rasa that's the last thing in my mind right now. Setiap manusia sebenarnya perlu tahu betapa indahnya bercinta dan dicintai. dua hati satu jiwa. A powerful emotion which can bring the best and the worst in someone.
Fall in love Fall out love
Dua perkara penting perlu dilalui oleh setiap manusia, and its important to learn it through experience. Real experience. Betapa perit, sengsara, sakit, pedih. Inilah satu-satunya cara seseorang itu boleh berkembang menjadi lebih matang. It's one of the many ways for you to grow into an adult.
Bagi aku, walaupun sunyi dan sepi sering menemani tetapi aku tahu, you can't surround yourself with people forever. There will be a time where you'll be alone. When that phase of your lonely is over, you'll be so proud of yourself.
Trust me you would. but if you're still in that phase, look at the bright side, appreciate those lonely time for you, yourself, not anyone else. Get to know, learn more about yourself. What you want. Your goals in life. What you see in yourself. You'll be surprise on how helpful those lonely time in shaping and molding your character, mind, body and soul. Berhijrah ke arah kebaikkan.
HE will help those who help themselves. InsyaAllah.
Ramai kawan2 aku yang macam desperate untuk mencari cinta... They rush into it and lastly, they ended up being hurt... aku selalu nasihatkan mereka yang cinta memang tak boleh dipaksa dan it cannot be rushed... We must take our time...
Besides, being single pun banyak kelebihannya... Lebih bebas untuk bergaul dengan ramai teman pilihan dan tidak perlu memikirkan pasal kepentingan orang lain...
Aku setuju dengan statement, u must learn through experience... Because there are things that u must learn urself and not through books and stories...
all you said is true..pengalaman cinta yg bisa merubah segala2nya especially towards emotions, expressions and etc. :'O so, what the best choice you've choosed, that's really the best for you..and benarlah kata orang bijak pandai, love can't be forced! :) actually, i know nothing about love cause i'm never fallin in love, but i learn these from any situations around me! :)
alamak, bro aiman boleh hold title as love motivator..hehehe.
stay positive and bright, that does help to overcome loneliness... cause most people think that somebody who over-express his loneliness is too "emo" and will be even more avoided....
Zul: Yeah most cases are like that. They let their desire cloud their mind.
Kan. nothing wrong being single haha. No strings attached.
Thanx for your comment bro. Appreciate it :)
Fara: Ehwah, stories from your surroundings teaches you so much eh. You must be really good hehe
Hope you'll experience love one day when youre ready :-)
Tony: why bother about other ppl first when all you need to focus on is your wounded heart? lol
I mean if ppl find me emo so what? If I feel expressing myself helps me then why not.
but anyhow, to stay positive and bright is a good start tho. thanx!
Cinta yang di cari pastikan pergi,cinta yang datang sendiri pastikan kekal abadi :')
MTT: kan, tak perlu susah payah mencari :-)
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